12 Mar 2025


Antec PhotoChute 3 Storage Driver

Company: Antec
Model: PhotoChute 3
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: pchute3.zip


Antec PhotoChute 3 Driver. This is a registry hack to get the parallel version of PhotoChute 3 to work under XP. Use at your own risk!!

It includes the PPCM_NT.SYS driver, hardware registry entries, and a batch file which gives you instructions, copies the driver to the system32\drivers folder, and then updates the registry.

You will be prompted to reboot twice with new hardware found and software install for new hardware messages. After that you will have full access to your PCMCIA card reader.

This was created by installing the driver on NT, upgrading to XP, and then grabbing the registry entries for the Photochute drivers (cdiskx) and the Microsoft SCSI driver.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4974 02-27-03 22:22 pchute3.reg 40448 05-25-00 10:25 PPCM_NT.SYS 1274 02-27-03 22:46 runme.bat 246 02-27-03 22:45 install.txt -------- ---- 46942 4 files

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