12 Mar 2025


Dell Computer Dell Precision WorkStation 330, Dell Precision WorkStation 340, Dimension 8200, Latitude XPi CD, OptiPlex GX240, OptiPlex GX400 Storage Driver

Company: Dell Computer
Model: Dell Precision WorkStation 330, Dell Precision WorkStation 340, Dimension 8200, Latitude XPi CD, OptiPlex GX240, OptiPlex GX400
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Z0108T10.exe


Dell Computer Dell Precision WorkStation 330, Dell Precision WorkStation 340, Dimension 8200, Latitude XPi CD, OptiPlex GX240, OptiPlex GX400 Driver. IDE / EIDE: CMD Technology 646U2 Ultra DMA Controller, Driver, Windows 95, Windows 98, English, Latitude XPi CD, XPi CD w/MMX, v. 1.0, A01

This is a self-extracting file that contains the Windows 95(4.00.950, 4.00.950A and 4.00.950B) and Windows 98 (4.10.1998) CMD Bus Master IDE Controller driver for the Latitude XPiCD P150ST and the XPiCD MxxxST (MMX).After downloading and extracting, to make the diskette, place a formatted diskette in drive A:, go to a DOS Prompt, change to the directory containingthe extracted files, and type in disk a:, then press ENTER

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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