12 Mar 2025


Dell Computer Inspiron 300m, Inspiron 510m, Inspiron 5150, Inspiron 8500, Inspiron 9100, Latitude C610, XPS/Inspiron XPS, Inspiron 8600, Latitude C640, Latitude C840, Latitude D400, Latitude V740, Latitude X300 Storage Driver

Company: Dell Computer
Model: Inspiron 300m, Inspiron 510m, Inspiron 5150, Inspiron 8500, Inspiron 9100, Latitude C610, XPS/Inspiron XPS, Inspiron 8600, Latitude C640, Latitude C840, Latitude D400, Latitude V740, Latitude X300
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: BR81871.exe


Dell Computer Inspiron 300m, Inspiron 510m, Inspiron 5150, Inspiron 8500, Inspiron 9100, Latitude C610, XPS/Inspiron XPS, Inspiron 8600, Latitude C640, Latitude C840, Latitude D400, Latitude V740, Latitude X300 Driver. IDE / EIDE: HGST HTS548020M9AT00 (20gb) Mobile HDD, HTS548040M9AT00 (40gb) Mobile HDD, HTS548060M9AT00 (60gb) Mobile HDD, HTS548080M9AT00 (80gb) Mobile HDD, Firmware, Windows 2000, Windows XP, English, Multi System, v.A5EA, A01

Hitachi Travelstar 5K80 firmware (rev. A5EA) corrects an intermittent clicking noise issue on the following models:HTS548020M9AT00 (20GB - P/N M1170)HTS548040M9AT00 (40GB - P/N N1166)HTS548060M9AT00 (60GB - P/N R1079)HTS548080M9AT00 (80GB - P/N P1128)

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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