10 Mar 2025


Symbios Logic SYM8755U, SYM22915, and the SYM21040 Storage Driver

Company: Symbios Logic
Model: SYM8755U, SYM22915, and the SYM21040
Operating System: Windows NT (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: nt401010.zip


Symbios Logic SYM8755U, SYM22915, and the SYM21040 Driver. "For the SYM53C1010 chip or the SYM8755U, SYM22915, and the SYM21040 Ultra160 host adapter boards.

Windows NT 4.0

Windows NT driver specifically for 53C1010 I/O processors and SYM22915, SYM8955U, and SYM21040 Ultra160 host adapters in Intel x86-based platforms. Supports Windows NT 4.0 operating system."

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 6805 02-17-00 11:23 INTRO.TXT 3171 02-17-00 11:23 LEGAL.TXT 3 01-11-00 05:01 lsi_u3.tag 1722 02-17-00 11:23 README.TXT 3484 01-11-00 05:01 txtsetup.oem 30496 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lsi_u3.sys 1537 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lu3100io.reg 778 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lu3defio.reg 726 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lu3dfblk.reg 923 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lu3no_ar.reg 983 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lu3no_dv.reg 1477 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lu3_256k.reg 606 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lu3_auto.reg 603 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/lu3_domv.reg 17531 01-11-00 05:01 winnt/miniport/oemsetup.inf 34813 01-11-00 05:01 WINNT.TXT -------- ------- 105658 16 files

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