30 Jan 2025


CMD Technology CMD-0640b Storage Driver

Company: CMD Technology
Model: CMD-0640b
Operating System: Windows 95a (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 640x_404.zip


CMD Technology CMD-0640b Driver. this driver works under all versions of w9x

the web link (as of 12/24/02) to all CMD drivers of older products is


and driver install problem fix from microsoft

support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB EN-US q151911&ID=KB EN-US q151911

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 46592 08-23-94 09:22 CSAIDE.DAT 106 03-16-95 15:55 DISK1.NT 57088 07-12-95 07:53 INSTALL.DAT 319538 07-12-95 08:22 INSTALL.EXE 4442 07-14-95 10:26 INSTALL.INI 5060 12-04-95 13:47 README 6332 06-10-92 03:10 DOS/ATT.BGI 6332 06-10-92 03:10 DOS/CGA.BGI 300 12-21-94 13:56 DOS/CMD2CH.SYS 24848 09-28-95 11:34 DOS/CMD640X.VL 21104 09-28-95 11:35 DOS/CMD640X2.VL 1116 03-28-95 18:07 DOS/DOSDRVR.DOC 155 05-24-95 18:51 DOS/DOSUTILS.DOC 304120 05-19-95 11:54 DOS/DOSUTILS.EXE 6204 06-10-92 03:10 DOS/HERC.BGI 6665 06-10-92 03:10 DOS/IBM8514.BGI 6012 06-10-92 03:10 DOS/PC3270.BGI 6653 07-07-95 12:09 DOS/README.DOS 25985 09-28-95 11:33 DOS/PCI/CMD640X.PCI 22241 09-28-95 11:34 DOS/PCI/CMD640X2.PCI 15358 09-09-94 17:25 NETWARE.3X/C640X31X.DSK 330 09-13-94 11:35 NETWARE.3X/README.NW3 16550 03-21-95 17:34 NETWARE.4X/C640X4X.DSK 800 01-08-88 02:32 NETWARE.4X/README.NW4 49152 01-06-95 17:08 NT31/CMD640X.SYS 408 06-26-95 12:18 NT31/INSTALL.BAT 21327 09-13-94 11:34 NT31/OEMSETUP.INF 5755 06-26-95 14:30 NT31/README.N31 41600 09-19-95 13:58 NT35/CSA640X.SYS 408 06-26-95 12:19 NT35/INSTALL.BAT 19499 03-16-95 16:06 NT35/OEMSETUP.INF 6789 12-01-95 11:20 NT35/README.N35 335 12-05-94 19:20 NT35/TXTSETUP.OEM 106 03-16-95 15:55 NT35/DISK1.NT 28121 06-27-95 15:06 OS2/CMD640X.ADD 407 06-26-95 12:19 OS2/INSTALL.BAT 9090 07-24-95 12:17 OS2/README.OS2 37040 09-01-95 11:49 OS2WARP3/CMD640X.ADD 22402 09-01-95 10:54 OS2WARP3/CMDATAPI.FLT 412 06-26-95 12:20 OS2WARP3/INSTALL.BAT 10480 06-26-95 14:43 OS2WARP3/README.OS3 8965 11-30-95 13:36 SCO/README.SCO 103583 11-30-95 13:28 SCO/TAR.EXE 16023 09-27-95 16:51 WINDOWS/CMD640X.386 10585 10-06-94 08:24 WINDOWS/CMDINT13.386 1451 07-03-95 17:00 WINDOWS/README.W31 -------- ---- 1297869 46 files

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