12 Mar 2025


Qualstar model 1052 Storage Driver

Company: Qualstar
Model: model 1052
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 9track.zip


Qualstar model 1052 Driver. for old motherboard only!

work on DOS and Win95, some problem under Win98, can work on WinNT.

all operation by hand

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 5232 11-23-90 09:28 CHECK.EXE 47776 11-23-99 17:14 COPYIN.EXE 49376 11-23-99 17:14 COPYOUT.EXE 25600 11-23-90 09:28 CYCLE.EXE 25280 11-23-99 17:14 DUPIN.EXE 24800 11-23-99 17:14 DUPOUT.EXE 4978 02-12-89 09:36 EXAMPLE.PAS 0 11-23-99 17:09 HELP/ 254238 11-13-90 16:38 HELP/CONSULT.EXE 36 12-04-90 10:09 HELP/HELP.BAT 81654 12-04-90 10:06 HELP/RUNTIME.CB 49696 11-23-99 17:14 LOAD.EXE 18208 11-23-99 17:14 MARK.EXE 24784 11-23-99 17:14 MENU.EXE 22159 09-02-90 22:24 MENU.HLP 21488 11-23-99 17:14 MOVE.EXE 835 11-18-90 16:57 READ.ME 17792 11-23-99 17:14 REW.EXE 41008 11-23-99 17:14 SAVE.EXE 36704 11-23-99 17:14 SHOW.EXE 1508 11-20-89 11:39 TAPEDRV.PC2 1508 06-18-90 08:46 TAPEDRV.PC3 1508 02-05-90 14:32 TAPEDRV.PCT 1508 09-11-90 15:17 TAPEDRVD.PC2 1508 10-11-90 12:00 TAPEDRVD.PC3 6080 11-23-99 17:14 TDEXIT.EXE 24096 11-23-99 17:14 TDRIVER.EXE 21824 11-23-90 09:28 TDSETUP.EXE 1984 10-16-90 10:17 TDSTART.EXE 30128 11-23-99 17:14 TDTEST.EXE 17872 11-23-99 17:14 TDVER.EXE 153980 03-21-91 15:28 XLAT.EXE -------- ------- 1015148 32 files

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