12 Mar 2025


Archive ATAPI (IDE) Based Minicartridge Storage Driver

Company: Archive
Model: ATAPI (IDE) Based Minicartridge
Operating System: Windows NT (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: cnr157.exe


Archive ATAPI (IDE) Based Minicartridge Driver. Seagate ATAPI/IDE Travan Tape Driver for Windows NT 3.51 - CNR157.SYS. Supports the following Seagate ATAPI Travan and QIC-Wide tape drives STT28000A, STT38000A, CTT8000R-A, CTT8000I-A, and CTM4000 (QIC-Wide).
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 21898 08-24-98 00:20 CNR157.TXT 18070 08-24-98 01:07 OEMSETUP.INF 32800 08-24-98 01:07 ALPHA/CNR157.SYS 21536 08-24-98 01:07 I386/CNR157.SYS -------- ------- 94304 4 files

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