12 Mar 2025


OnSpec AOKIDE, Storage Driver

Company: OnSpec
Model: AOKIDE,
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Onide281.zip


OnSpec AOKIDE, Driver. I tried this driver with Windows 2000 PRO and it works good. You need to restart your computer after the driver is installed for new drive letter to appear.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 40 09-03-97 18:43 BOOTDISK.BAT 55 05-08-98 12:44 SWISNIFE.INI 4 03-04-97 10:44 DISK1 21605 06-03-98 10:57 README.TXT 57279 06-03-98 12:02 ONSPECLD.BIN 10172 03-17-97 15:29 ONSYS.EXE 29451 08-28-98 17:28 INTERNAL.SYS 512 02-27-97 16:01 BOOTCODE.BIN 948 10-03-97 20:32 MYDRIVE.BAT 6838 01-23-98 11:37 DRIVLOAD.COM 302 08-11-98 09:43 DYNAATA.INF 57425 05-01-99 22:44 EGIDE100.SYS 685 06-02-98 19:24 INSFILES.INF 18434 01-28-97 17:38 OEMSETUP.INF 2686 07-21-97 01:47 TXTSETUP.OEM 37153 04-29-99 10:38 SWISNIFE.HLP 525 03-30-97 14:50 SWISNIFE.CNT 16274 04-28-99 13:07 SN32LAN.INF 172032 01-04-01 12:11 QUARTA95.MPD 1346 05-27-98 13:29 QUARTA95.INI 1835 03-22-96 16:46 FINDIRQ.EXE 12512 09-11-98 16:07 DYNAICON.EXE 1512 08-21-99 16:03 quartant.inf 97531 08-24-99 17:33 Uninst.EXE 172032 01-04-01 12:10 quartant.sys 347648 01-04-01 12:15 swisnife.exe 335693 01-04-01 12:44 Setup.EXE -------- ------- 1402529 27 files

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