21 Sep 2024


Adaptec AHA-2920 Storage Driver

Company: Adaptec
Model: AHA-2920
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)


File: aha2920.zip


Adaptec AHA-2920 Driver. This is a copy of the official Win2000 drivers - but they seem

to be working for XP as well.

Se readme inside zip-file for install instructions.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 11280 09-25-99 12:11 fd16_700.sys 52779 11-14-99 14:56 scsi.inf 682 03-28-02 19:51 AHA-2920 readme.txt -------- ------- 64741 3 files

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