12 Mar 2025


Castlewood Castlewood Systems ORB2PE00 Storage Driver

Company: Castlewood
Model: Castlewood Systems ORB2PE00
Operating System: Windows 95b (osr2) (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ot164_ea.exe


Castlewood Castlewood Systems ORB2PE00 Driver. The website for downloads for ORB Drivers for other OS are at www.castlewood.com/download_english.html
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 789 05-03-99 20:31 INSFILES.INF 561 07-08-99 16:12 CONFIG.SYS 4 03-04-97 10:44 DISK1 6838 01-23-98 11:37 DRIVLOAD.COM 353 10-18-00 18:42 DYNAATA.INF 12512 09-11-98 16:07 DYNAICON.EXE 57436 05-03-99 19:49 EGIDE100.SYS 1835 03-22-96 16:46 FINDIRQ.EXE 68 05-03-99 16:10 IDEDRIVE.BAT 30 09-11-98 11:41 AUTORUN.INF 29451 08-28-98 17:28 INTERNAL.SYS 18434 01-28-97 17:38 OEMSETUP.INF 289920 12-15-98 12:14 ONSIO.SYS 2104 09-11-98 05:14 ORBDRIVE.ICO 45 01-03-98 16:54 ORBITER.BAT 814 01-19-00 11:37 ORBTOOLS.CNT 519168 10-20-00 17:09 ORBTOOLS.EXE 15527 01-19-00 13:23 ORBTOOLS.HLP 35 10-24-00 15:02 ORBVER.INI 1346 05-27-98 13:29 QUARTA95.INI 172032 10-20-99 15:10 QUARTANT.SYS 15990 02-11-00 11:58 README.TXT 189 07-08-99 16:19 RESONIDE.INF 512 11-26-97 04:08 RSFLOPPY.BIN 14880 03-21-00 11:04 SBKUPNT.SYS 430080 10-20-00 18:54 SETUP.EXE 1454080 10-20-00 18:54 SETUP.W02 899341 10-20-00 18:54 SETUP.W03 2026 10-13-99 12:32 SHELLEXT.INF 32 07-08-99 14:12 SREST.BAT 1023 02-11-00 11:30 SUPERBAK.CNT 68 05-03-99 20:36 SWISNIFE.INI 2686 07-21-97 01:47 TXTSETUP.OEM 113554 10-18-00 17:37 UNINST.EXE -------- ------- 4063763 34 files

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