12 Mar 2025


OnSpec Storage Driver

Company: OnSpec
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: onide2.zip


OnSpec Driver. This is the driver for an external Parallel-port-to-IDE HDD box.

As of this wr OnSpec's own driver-download page is unavailable. (Maintenance ? Gone for good ?)

This and other OnSpec drivers are at www.part2.com/techsupport/drivers.html

You will need WinZip or PKUnzip or something similar to unzip this compressed file.

If you are using this software/device to INSTALL windows, you will need to install the DOS DRIVER (see the above web-site) first, and this Windows driver only AFTER you've installed Windows.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 512 02-27-97 16:01 BOOTCODE.BIN 40 09-03-97 18:43 BOOTDISK.BAT 4 03-04-97 10:44 DISK1 6838 01-23-98 11:37 DRIVLOAD.COM 288 02-13-97 11:06 DYNAATA.INF 12512 05-28-98 18:26 DYNAICON.EXE 54129 06-03-98 11:59 EGIDE100.SYS 1835 03-22-96 16:46 FINDIRQ.EXE 685 06-02-98 19:24 INSFILES.INF 29269 06-03-98 11:06 INTERNAL.SYS 948 10-03-97 20:32 MYDRIVE.BAT 18434 01-28-97 17:38 OEMSETUP.INF 57279 06-03-98 12:02 ONSPECLD.BIN 10172 03-17-97 15:29 ONSYS.EXE 1346 05-27-98 13:29 QUARTA95.INI 165376 07-02-98 15:29 QUARTA95.MPD 165376 07-02-98 15:29 quartant.sys 21692 07-24-98 14:17 README.TXT 314363 07-09-98 18:26 SETUP.EXE 15885 05-21-98 15:29 SN32LAN.INF 525 03-30-97 14:50 SWISNIFE.CNT 335360 07-02-98 15:37 swisnife.exe 37152 05-22-98 15:28 SWISNIFE.HLP 55 05-08-98 12:44 SWISNIFE.INI 2686 07-21-97 01:47 TXTSETUP.OEM 72394 05-22-98 16:07 UNINST.EXE -------- ------- 1325155 26 files

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