12 Mar 2025


Highpoint HPT370 HPT370A HPT372 HPT372A Storage Driver

Company: Highpoint
Model: HPT370 HPT370A HPT372 HPT372A
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: hpt3xx_version2.35_WinXPSP2.zip


Highpoint HPT370 HPT370A HPT372 HPT372A Driver. Version 2.35 of the HPT370 driver from highpoint-tech.com would not install for me on Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2. I found some differences between the hpt3xx.inf files of version 2.33, which worked fine, and version 2.35. Using the older hpt3xx.inf file as a guide, I tweaked the newer hpt3xx.inf file, and now version 2.35 installs!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2938 11-01-04 21:32 hpt3xx.inf 43619 08-04-03 16:16 hpt3xx.sys 9809 01-27-03 16:12 hptpro.sys 8 12-19-01 12:26 hpt3xx.cat -------- ---- 56374 4 files

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