12 Mar 2025


Reveal Z100P2 (RZP-100) Storage Driver

Company: Reveal
Model: Z100P2 (RZP-100)
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ZipDrive.zip


Reveal Z100P2 (RZP-100) Driver. This disk is for the Reveal RZP-100 Zip Drive (Model #Z100P2); HOWEVER, that drive is ABSOLUTELY IDENTICAL and interchangable with the Iomega Zip 100 External Parallel Port drive. This original installation disk is listed for DOS/ Windows 3.1. It may work with later versions of Windows, or you can use Guest in MS-DOS mode.

Good luck!!!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 72643 10-16-95 04:10 ~INS0762.LIB 22985 10-16-95 04:10 ASPIZIP.SYS 54350 10-16-95 04:10 GUEST.EXE 130 10-16-95 04:10 GUEST.INI 14938 10-16-95 04:10 GUESTHLP.TXT 21937 10-16-95 04:10 INSTLHLP.HLP 1117 10-16-95 04:10 PPA3.INF 22528 10-16-95 04:10 PPA3.MPD 18613 10-16-95 04:10 README.TXT 140440 10-16-95 04:10 SETUP.BMP 77824 10-16-95 04:10 SETUP.EXE 18245 10-16-95 04:10 SETUP.INS 1451 10-16-95 04:10 SETUP.PKG 8064 10-16-95 04:10 WINGUEST.EXE 273920 10-16-95 04:10 ZSTP.EXE -------- ---- 749185 15 files

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