12 Mar 2025


Matrox Graphics Millennium P650, Version: Beta DX9 Storage Driver

Company: Matrox Graphics
Model: Millennium P650, Version: Beta DX9
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 2kxp_106_beta_dx9.zip


Matrox Graphics Millennium P650, Version: Beta DX9 Driver. This is a BETA (unsupported) driver release for Matrox Parhelia 128MB/256MB (AGP), Matrox Parhelia 256MB (PCI), Millennium P650 and Millennium P750 customers wanting to run recent DX9 games.

This driver is a DX8.1 driver compiled with DX9 DDK in order to run on new games that support stream offset functionality.

Please uninstall your current drivers using Microsoft Add/Remove Programs before installing the new drivers. Do not uninstall your current drivers if you have Matrox RT2500, Matrox DigiSuite or Matrox Imaging products installed in your system.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 46397 02-02-04 20:04 mtxparh.inf 77824 02-02-04 18:26 MTXCI.DLL 9771795 02-11-04 16:01 Mtxparh.cab 2010 12-03-03 10:35 DUALPARH.inf 757760 02-02-04 18:27 Setup.exe 251 01-20-04 15:59 Setup.ini -------- ---- 10656037 6 files

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