12 Mar 2025


NCR NCR 53C875 PCI Quad/Dual SCSI Storage Driver

Company: NCR
Model: NCR 53C875 PCI Quad/Dual SCSI
Operating System: Windows NT (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ntpqs415.exe


NCR NCR 53C875 PCI Quad/Dual SCSI Driver. NCR 53C875 PCI Quad/Dual SCSI (PQS/PDS) Driver for NT4.0

"NOTE If the Symbios 810 driver loads before the PQS driver, it will cause the system to either lock up or blue screen.

If installing this driver on an NCR S50,

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 111412 07-29-99 17:01 ncr875.sys 4 07-29-99 17:01 disk1 18437 07-29-99 17:01 oemsetup.inf 2471 07-29-99 17:01 readme.txt 2664 07-29-99 17:01 txtsetup.oem -------- ------- 134988 5 files

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